Gentle Pain Relief Treatment
You are injured, in pain, not exactly sure what to do next. You are probably very stressed and might need help with work duties, transportation and most important getting better. My friendly staff and our doctors can help hold your hand through these problems.
Please understand proper early treatment of an injury is crucial to reduce the pain and prevent long term issues. It is not good enough to take some pain relievers and muscle relaxes with a “wait-and-see” attitude.
I have specialized in treating these injuries with GENTLE ways that might include mobilization, massage, cold laser, manipulation, exercise , pulsed electromagnetic frequencies and pain free acupuncture
Injured? No Insurance? High Co-Pay? No Problem!
We can work out a plan that is good for you.
You can be treated either in Suite 207, 133 Scovill St. (2nd Floor in the parking garage across from St Mary’s Emergency room ) or 35 Candee Hill Rd. Watertown, CT.
Feel free to call with any questions or concerns about treatment, fees or your injuries!.
Benefits of Early Treatment
Regrettable Results of Delayed Treatment
Call us now and get the Professional Treatment you deserve at one of our two Accident & Injury clinics today. Call us at the number above or fill out the form below to connect with our staff and put your pain relief in progress today.
Patient Testimonials
Compassionate and Knowledgeable
In the past eight weeks that I have been receiving treatment from Dr. Zilahy, I have found him to be the most compassionate, thorough, and knowledgeable doctor that I have ever had. Dr. Zilahy ensures superior patient care making by making one feel confident in and certain of his abilities. His appointment schedule is flexible and extremely accommodating. He has opened his office early in the morning on several occasions just to work around my schedule. His encouraging and caring nature is unmatched in the medical field. This is what sets him apart from the other doctors. Dr. Zilahy and the treatments that I have received have made dramatic impact on my life. I am convinced that Dr. Zilahy has provided me with the best of care and has listened to and diagnosed me with clarity and competency. I am a firm believer in the power of acupuncture and with a qualified practitioner such as Dr. Zilahy; it has absolutely improved my overall health and well-being. Thank you, Dr. Zilahy, most sincerely,
Christina M. Smith

Are You in Pain & Need Relief?
Two Convient Locations

Watertown CT
35 Candee Hill Rd
Watertown, CT 06795
860 -274=9641

Waterbury, CT
133 Scovill St
Suite 207
St. Mary’s Medical Office Building