Google Reviews

Please take a minute and review Dr. Zilahy on Google

Hello and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule.  Giving great customer service is very important to us and I hope you feel like you recieved 5 star service while working together.  If that is the case, I would like to ask a small favor from you to help  build Refresh’s web presence.  Getting positive Google Reviews is a critical part of building our reputation and I would be very thankful if you could give Refresh a 5 star review and a short description of your service.  Thank you.


Please Follow These Directions


Visit:  Dr. Zilahy Google Reviews

If You See A Screen Like This:

google reviews image


Great!  You can hover over the 5 Stars and write a brief description of your experience, and click “Publish”

That is it – Thank You.

If You See A Screen Like This:

create new google gmailJPG







No Problem!  You just need to login to your Google Account, or quickly create one.

If you already have a Google Account (Gmail, Google+Profile, Picassa, Adwords) then you can simply login to your Google Account with your Email as your Username and your password and click “Sign In”.

If you have forgotten your password or username, simply click on “Cant Access My Account” and Google will walk you through getting that reset.

If you do not have a Google Account, now is a great time to create one.  Google uses 1 login for all the different services they offer and there is a good chance that you will be wanting to use a Google service in the near future.  Click on “Create Account”.

Google is going to ask you for your name, a username, a password, birth date, mobile number, and current email address to create your new Google Account.  It should take less than 3 minutes.

Now that you are logged in to your Google Account give the page a few seconds to load and you will see the review screen from above.

Again, I appreciate you taking the time to help us today.


Please take a minute and review Dr. Zilahy on Yelp
