Hip pain





Dear Dr. Zilahy,

I am so happy with the results of my treatment that I wanted to thank you and put my story in writing so that you can share it with the members of your staff. Please feel free to share this information or use it in your practice as you see fit.

I was suffering with bursitis of my right hip for more than four years. I had consulted with medical practitioners to gain relief from my constant pain, but with limited results. Early on, I sought out the help of a Chiropractor that I knew and trusted. I had suspected sciatica problems. He ordered x-rays, which were unremarkable. And said that my bones and spine looked fine. He recommended that I increase my intake of B-Vitamins to help with inflammation and gave me some exercises to do. The exercises helped somewhat, and at least gave me more mobility as they help to relieve some of the stiffness I had in my pelvic area.

Still time passed with no relief, so I made an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon.

He was helpful in that he gave me a diagnosis for my problem. He said that I had bursitis of my right hip. Trochanter Bursitis, to be exact. He explained that it was an inflammation of the bursa sacks that surround my hip joint and that it is quite common with very active people. He recommended cortisone shots and said they might cure it, they might just relieve it temporarily, or they might have no effect at all. Well I decided to try the shot, and it worked beautifully. I danced out of the office, 5 minutes after administration of the medication. It was the first pain relief I had had in more than 18 months. For six weeks I was in heaven, but the pain eventually returned and at the same chronic levels. Eventually I did ask for another shot, but my research taught me that that I was not going to be able to continue with these shots. They are not safe or healthy.

I did a lot of research on trochanter bursitis and the prognosis was not good. Most people just live with it. Internally, I never accepted this as inevitable. I always believed that there was an answer out there. Of course I was looking for a natural approach, as OTC analgesics, and even prescription pain medication was not an option for me.

Still later, I consulted with a Naturopathic Physician and Clinical Nutritionists. He recommended some strong herbal remedies. And many of them were helpful, but the results were always temporary. Some days were better than others, but there were still bad days.

In the Fall of 2004, I attended a seminar at which you were a guest speaker. I was impressed with your presentation that discussed the successful application of acupuncture for musculo-skeletal pain. You were nice enough to offer a free treatment to our group. I left with a certificate for my free treatment and called that week to make an appointment.

At our first visit you asked about my diet and what supplements I was taking, which I was very pleased with, most allopathic doctors are not concerned with this information. I was taking an herbal anti-inflammatory which you said would be helpful and to continue to do so. Now I want to stress here, it was now going on four years that I had been suffering with the chronic pain in my right hip. It definitely had a negative effect on the quality of my life. I was in constant pain and under stress from it. I had no energy, and no desire to do much of anything. It was all I could do to get through a days work. Which I had to, in order to pay the bills. Since I believed that I had sought out the best medical advice available, there was no place for me to turn. I had just about given up, and had planned to put my home on the market because it was falling into dis-repair and I did not have the energy or the desire to take care of it. Life was not fun for me any more. Anyone who lives with constant pain can attest to that.

You were very kind and concerned at my first visit, but did not make any promises. You explained to me how acupuncture worked and that it was my body that would to the healing. You were hopeful that I would get the results I desired. I did feel less pain immediately after the first treatment, my hip mostly felt sore and weak, but less pain. I thought this was encouraging and agreed to more treatments. I am so glad that I did. After the fourth treatment I had actually had a couple of days with no pain at all. The first time in many many months. Soon after the eighth treatment, my pain was greatly diminished and my energy levels had greatly increased. I had energy left over at the end of the day and was starting to tackle some repair projects at home. After the 12 treatment we had a re-evaluation, and I can happily say that I feel my pain has decreased overall by 60%. And some days I have no pain at all.

I appreciate all of the information that you gave me on acupuncture and how it works with my body to heal itself. I understand that I still need a few more treatments to bring about a complete resolution of my problem. Because I suffered with this problem for so long, it will take time to bring about a complete recovery. I plan to continue my treatments, and incorporate the diet, supplements, and exercises that you recommended. I am confident that my bursitis will be cured with the path that I am taking. The one that you recommended. Thanks so much for all your help.


Michele L.