Knee pain relief

I don’t normally write reviews of people or things, but I want to tell my story in the hopes of helping other people who may be suffering with knee pain. I’m an active and fit 61 year old, teaching three yoga classes weekly, and working full-time.. I injured my left knee a few times-falling while ice skating and and twisting it while dancing, finally tearing the meniscus in April of 2010. My legs are structurally compromised from a long-ago auto accident, where both femur were broken. I’ve been to three orthopedic surgeons in two years, had MRI’s and x-rays. I’ve tried a series of injections, been to a chiropractor, then a physical therapist, and faithfully followed an exercise regimen to strengthen the quadriceps. I’ve used creams, gels, ice and elevation. X-rays also showed arthritis and I was told a knee replacement was down the road. Recently the last physician I saw, considered one of the best in the area, would not agree to arthroscopic surgery, due to a 20% chance that it could worsen the knee ache. One of my yoga students, an Internist, recommended Dr. Zilahy. On Dec 21 I had my first appointment. I’ve been going three times/week, receiving acupuncture and adjustments. After the third acupuncture treatment, I didn’t have my usual strong ache for about 5 hours, but I was still a bit discouraged when the ache returned. This past Monday, I walked in the office, a strong ache during every step, had an adjustment, and left with the familiar ache gone, but a new kind of occasional sharp pain. BUT…The next day, that strange pain was gone as well. It’s been four days now that I am pretty much ache and pain free. I get up expecting pain, or put on a shoe balancing on the leg, expecting pain, or get out of the car expecting pain. And for the first time in close to two years, I have none! I’d almost forgotten how good it feels. I don’t know how long it will last, but I felt compelled to write. I don’t want to get too excited, but Dr. Zilahy, with his expertise (he’s an seasoned practitioner who seems still excited to learn the latest) and positive outlook, has given me hope. Susan Hyde-Wick, Woodbury, CT