whiplash mobile

Can We Help You?


You’re in your car, relaxed, waiting at a stoplight. Suddenly you hear a screeching of tires behind you and before you can brace yourself, you feel your car jolt forward. You have been hit from behind.

In half the time it takes to blink your eye, your neck has been injured and can have long term tragic consequences. What you do about it in the next hours, days and weeks can forever affect your health.

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      203 574 2600

Don’t be fooled by the amount of damage to your car. Engineers crafted bumpers not to be damaged at low speeds but unfortunately the force then is transferred to your neck. An immediate chiropractic examination is essential. Pain pills won’t heal inflamed tendons and ligaments. Muscle relaxers won’t heal torn muscles. A cervical collar won’t restore a graceful forward spinal curve.

Specific chiropractic spinal adjustments, because they can help restore proper motion and position of individual spinal bones, along with other gentle modalities can help assure proper healing. Doctor Zilahy is a specialist in whiplash and can help you get well and stay well after the trauma.

Why do I have pain in my arms and hands?

Because the nerves to the arms and hands exit the spine through the injured area of the neck, numbness and tingling are common. Even lower back pain can result directly from the trauma or as a reaction to the loss of proper spinal curves.

Why did my headaches start more than a week after my accident?

Whether you’ve been in an accident, stressed at work or overexerted yourself in the garden, your body is constantly adapting to the environment. When your capacity to adapt is exhausted, symptoms can appear. This can take days, weeks, months or years to occur.

report restored spinal curves and an end to their symptoms. Those who delay seeking appropriate care often discover that scar tissue and spinal instability require periodic chiropractic checkups.


   Injured?  No Insurance?

           No Problem!

We will work with your attorney or the Insurance company at fault and wait for settlement.

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      203 574 2600

When whiplash occurs, treatment goals should include not only pain relief but also, more importantly, stimulation of the injured region to promote healing to its optimum level. This will allow the injured to return to active life more quickly, as well as reduce the chances of recurrence of symptoms. Call anytime 203 574 2600